Sunday, February 07, 2010

My girl is awesome

I love my girlfriend! She's so awesome. The end.

Or! I could say more, so I shall.

Man, I really haven't felt so connected or happy to be with someone in a loooonnng time. I'm so happy with her :) We're huge dorks, and when we have really dorky moments we give each other high fives to acknowledge the dorkyness. She is like the girliest girl I've ever met, but that's awesome! Because I don't wanna date a girl who's just like one of the guys, I just want to date a girl. I'm actually really excited for Valentines day for once, and I can't wait to see how it goes :) I haven't blogged in a while, so this was a "I need to blog," blog. I'll try to write more this month, but about things other than my awesome life. Haha

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