Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Career FINALLY in mind.

So, a lot of my friends and others that I know have all entered college with a clear career objective in mind, and a clear goal they want to reach. Now, I know that a lot of people will switch majors once or twice and take different roads to get to where they're going, but they still knew what they wanted. After 2 1/2 of college, I still had no clue at all about what I wanted to pursue as a career and that was starting to bother me. I began to question myself, and started to ask is college really for me? The grades and the work weren't the problem, but the lack of ambition and feeling lost began to take it's toll. I entered college wanted to major in business only because that's a "safe choice," but honestly could care less about it. I then switched to history because I've always been good at it and enjoyed it, but then came to realize that that's just it. I like history, but I don't love it.... Then my grandpa suggested journalism because I like to write, and for a while that seemed like a good idea, but I think in the back of my head I knew all along that that wasn't for me. So after once again feeling lost, it just hit me.

Fire fighting.

Even though I didn't know what I wanted to do, I knew I wanted to do something that was important, and I wanted to do something that would have a positive impact on others. I mean, I'm NOT the kind of person who can handle a desk job because I know I'd go crazy. I'm not the kind of person who needs to have a 10 million dollar house with rooms that never get used. I'm not the kind of person who is going to put material things before everything else. I've never really believed that someones career defines them as a person because I've seen too many exceptions, but I would love for my career to really say something about who I am. I'm finally sure about something I want to work my ass off to achieve. I'm determined to get this done, and I'm not going to fail. So, my new goal is to become a fire fighter within the next 2 1/2 years. I'm sure of this, and for the first time in a long time, I'm really sure of something.

1 comment:

Simply Valorie said...

That's awesome! Good for you! :)