Monday, August 24, 2009

"I am a Band-Aid"

I am a Band-Aid. At some point you will need one. You will need one because we are helpful and come in all types. We can make you feel well, and help you forget about certain worries. We can stick with you for as long as you'd like. But eventually, you will no longer need me and no longer want to be stuck with me. You will rip me off and throw me away knowing that if you need another Band-Aid, I'll be easy to replace. Some Band-Aids will be needed longer than others, but in the end, they're not going to be stuck with you forever. All Band-Aids are great at first, but over time they start to fade.

I don't feel this way, but this was a thought that kept popping into my head and I wanted to write it down. I think at some point we've all felt similar to this writing. Be it in a romantic relationship, a friendship, or working at some job. Something to think about I guess.

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