Saturday, September 05, 2009

Time to see what life brings me.

Well, things have changed a bit during this week. Me and Valorie are no longer dating, but we are still going to be good friends. The distance was just too much for us, and that's unfortunate but this was the right decision for us to make. Now it's time for me to really settle into some sort of grove. I'm still looking for work, but now i have a few good leads, and I'm concentrating on school and my grades so far have been very good and I don't feel lost at all. once I get settled into a schedule of work and school I'll figure out what to do with my social life, but right now I think it's the best time to get what's right for me and be alone for a bit. I'm in a pretty good place and I'm looking forward to doing things just for me for a little while. I've never done that, so i'm excited. Things are going to be interesting for a little while, but I'm glad that everything that's happening is on my terms for once.

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